**NEW** – HiFi Tuning Supreme 3 Diamond Fuses
HiFi Tuning will be making available, to order, an upgraded version of their Supreme 3 fuses, namely the Supreme 3 Diamond range.
Why do we incorporate a diamond into a Fuse (or a Fuse Holder)?
It has been proven many times and is undisputed that gemstones have a positive effect on us humans due to their naturally very high natural vibrations.
This is generally known and undisputed, especially in healing science and quantum physics.
After we had made listening tests with different gemstones and minerals, such as emerald, ruby, diamond and some other minerals, we could clearly hear the diamond as the gemstone, which – correctly integrated – gave the sound a much more powerful, clearer and more dynamic reproduction.
- Hand Made In Germany
- Great benefits for a small investment
- Greatly reduced losses
- Individually tested
- 100% cardas grade 1 copper
- 100% sound & dynamic
- Black ceramic body with special filler
- Cryogen treated
- Demagnetized
- Available in all usual sizes and current ratings
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